Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
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The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Arpeggio Beat Controls: Sgram/PT Dialog >> Pitch-to-MIDI >> Setup
Arpeggio Beat works in conjunction with the Arpeggio and Hold Beats controls. When Arpeggio Beat is active, the notes of a chord are started individually, one per beat. For example, if Arpeggio is set to 1, a 3-note chord will play 3 individual notes on 3 successive beats. Similar to non-Beat Arpeggio, the earlier notes stay on until the end of the Hold Beats interval, so the sound builds up and sustains if the instrument is of a type that is normally sustained, such as an organ or bowed strings. This effect may not be so obvious with plucked or struck instruments like piano or guitar. Hold Beats must be large enough to encompass all the notes of a chord. For example, with Hold Beats set to 4, a 3-note chord would be spread over the first 3 beats, followed by a silent beat. A 4-note chord would fill all 4 beats. A 5-note chord would not fit... you would hear only the first 4 notes. The Arpeggio value still controls how long before each note appears, only now the value is interpreted as beats instead of Trace Update intervals. So with Arpeggio set to 2, there are 2 beats per chord note, and a 5-note chord would require that Hold Beats be set to 10 or higher. ABv=n sets Arpeggio Beat for Voice v to the value of n, which may be any unsigned integer or valid expression, including current MIDI control values, random values, current computer keyboard states or mouse position, input or buffered notes, or oscillators. If the value is zero, Arpeggio Beat is off; any other value sets it on. Alternatively, you can use x instead of a value to toggle the current state. For example, AB2=x toggles the current Arpeggio Beat state for Voice 2. You can use "voice" 9 to set or toggle Arpeggio Beat for all 8 voices at once. See also MIDI Voice Setup Dialogs, Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview |
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