Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Spectrum Cursor Track Dialog Controls: Spectrum Dialog >> Track
This button opens the Spectrum Track dialog, which allows the solid cursor to be automatically positioned over the largest spectral peak. The button that toggles the Track option is at the top of the dialog. There are also controls that allow you to limit the tracking to peaks above a specified threshold, or between specified maximum and minimum frequencies. If the signal has harmonics present, you can elect to track the fundamental instead of harmonic peaks, even if the harmonics are larger or the fundamental is missing completely. You can also elect to have the dotted cursor track a specified harmonic. Track is especially useful with cursor Peak mode for precision tracking. Track and Peak are automatically activated for Spectrogram Pitch Track. This Track dialog button appears in both the Spectrum and Spectrogram / Pitch Track dialogs. In the Spectrum dialog, the button indicates the Track toggle state. Note that peak height, and hence Track operation, is affected by any active Spectrum Curve weighting. That is only active if Spectrum Y-log (dB) mode is also active, even if you are currently in Pitch Track mode where dB is always used. Macro Notes: When the Spectrum control dialog is open, SpectTrackDlg=1 opens the Spectrum Track dialog, SpectTrackDlg=0 closes it, and SpectTrackDlg=x toggles between open and closed. Alternatively, when the Spectrogram / Pitch Track control dialog is open, SgTrackDlg=1 opens the Spectrum Track dialog, SgTrackDlg=0 closes it, and SgTrackDlg=x toggles between open and closed. Note that you do not need to open the Spectrum Track dialog to change its controls directly via macro commands. When Cursor Peak is also active, Posn?F returns the tracked frequency, Posn?N returns the corresponding MIDI note number for Pitch Track operation, Posn?V returns the peak magnitude (scaled such that 2^30 is 100% of the full-scale range), and Posn?v returns the corresponding MIDI velocity. See also Spectrum Control Dialog, Spectrogram / Pitch Track Controls, Accelerator Key (Hot Key) Table |
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