Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Note Pattern Character Table
Key-Relative Letters:Letter characters assume the Pattern Key is a C. The note and relative octave are shown in the table, plus the distance from the Pattern Key in semitones. For example, if the Pattern Key is C4 (middle C), a 'C' character will result in a C4 note, a distance of 0 semitones. An 'H' will result in C5, 12 semitones higher. Lowercase letters are one semitone lower than the same letter in uppercase. Thus, 'g' stands for 'Gb' or 'F#'. C+2 = O = 24 B+1 = N = 23 b+1 = n = 22 A+1 = M = 21 a+1 = m = 20 G+1 = L = 19 g+1 = l = 18 F+1 = K = 17 E+1 = J = 16 e+1 = j = 15 D+1 = I = 14 d+1 = i = 13 C+1 = H = 12 B = B = 11 b = b = 10 A = A = 9 a = a = 8 G = G = 7 g = g = 6 F = F = 5 E = E = 4 e = e = 3 D = D = 2 d = d = 1 C = C = 0 B-1 = Z = -1 b-1 = z = -2 A-1 = Y = -3 a-1 = y = -4 G-1 = X = -5 g-1 = x = -6 F-1 = W = -7 E-1 = V = -8 e-1 = v = -9 D-1 = U = -10 d-1 = u = -11 C-1 = T = -12 B-2 = S = -13 b-2 = s = -14 A-2 = R = -15 a-2 = r = -16 G-2 = Q = -17 g-2 = q = -18 F-2 = P = -19 E-2 = p = -20
Input-Relative Numerals and Symbols:= = +13 < = +12 ; = +11 : = +10 9 = +9 8 = +8 7 = +7 6 = +6 5 = +5 4 = +4 3 = +3 2 = +2 1 = +1 + = +1/2 ("Blue" note) 0 = 0 * = -2 ) = -3 ( = -4 ' = -5 & = -6 % = -7 $ = -8 # = -9 @ = -10 ? = -11 > = -12 See also Note Pattern, MIDI Voice Setup Dialogs, Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview |
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