Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Revision History - v11.6.0Daqarta v11.6.0 - 10 July 2022 New THD_Meter_LF macro mini-app complements the original THD_Meter with support for Total Harmonic Distortion measurements at much lower frequencies, suitable for woofer or subwoofer speaker measurements, or portable AC mains-replacement generators. New AM Depth mode selector allows Daqarta's original Depth Re: Peak (default, 0-200% range) or new Depth Re: 50% Base (0-100%) for easy simulation and measurement of conventional AM radio concepts. New Event Triggering options for easy launching of Daqarta operations (typically macros) via key press or sound card input, or via external Arduino or Numato device detection of switch, resistance, digital input, or analog voltage changes. New Triggered_Burst macro can be used by above Event Triggering options to create a single "one-shot" burst or burst trains as needed. The Generator On/Off Fade topic also shows a simple way to create one-shot bursts. New Arduino_Meter and Numato_Meter macro mini-apps provide simple DC voltage measurements via inexpensive USB devices. Generator On/Off Fade now supports UF=Fade?N to set variable UF to the fade duration in samples, and F=Fade?T to set F to the duration in seconds. Above Help topic now includes notes explaining that macro toggle-off of Generator via Gen#F=0 always starts from full-on, even if prior fade-up is still in progress. Also, that there is no delay in macro processing after a Gen#F toggle; it doesn't wait for the fade to complete. Includes sample macro code to avoid problems with these. Decimate Demodulate topic expanded to include step-by-step emulation of an amplitude-modulated system using the Daqarta Generator, allowing easy demodulation experiments. Custom Meter Macros now include an Absolute Meter Size command to set the initial size of a meter. (You can still resize manually by dragging a border or corner after it's open.) Custom Meter Macros now include color-set commands that accept color entries in reversed r,g,b format. Copy/Swap Operations for Daqarta Macro Arrays Buf0-Buf7 now include a separate command to copy the Spectrogram palette with colors in h00RRGGBB order instead of the default h00BBGGRR order used by the palette. Macro math expressions that use functions with one, two, or three parameters, like sin(), rnd(), and lim(), now abort with an error message if the wrong number of parameters is supplied, rather than proceeding with erroneous results. Math constants e and pi can now be used directly in string expressions such as Msg="Value of pi = " + pi(0.9). Full-Scale Range dialog now defaults to 1.00000 for all Mono Inputs, formerly 2.00000. Bug Fix: Macro math expressions with multiple 2- or 3-parameter functions like rnd() or lim() could give erroneous results. Bug Fix: The Auto-Calibrate system now uses an improved Duplex Delay measurement process to handle the widest range of sound cards. Bug Fix: Auto-Calibrate now forces Trigger Single off if active, since calibration would not run if so. Bug Fix: The Generator toolbar button was erroneously enabled at the start of Direct-To-Disk (DDisk) recording. If the Input was not also active and the Generator was subsequently toggled off, the file handler had nothing to record. The Generator button is now enabled only if Input is also active at the start of DDisk, and can be toggled off and on with no ill effects. (The converse is not true: You can't toggle Input after the recording starts.) Bug Fix: Under certain conditions, controls that allow duration entry in seconds or samples (such as Trigger Delay, Generator Sweep Length, or Burst durations) could force minimal duration values when in seconds entry mode. Bug Fix: Generator Burst and Sweep durations with very large unsigned values entered (greater than 2^32-1) were read by macros as -1, although the actual durations were correct. Bug Fix: Certain macro expressions with control variable names ending in 'e' could abort with an error message if the name was followed by an added or subtracted constant, as in C=L.0.BurstCycle + 2. (The parser treated the tail as the exponential notation for 'e+2'.) Bug Fix: Text files loaded into a macro array buffer Buf0-Buf7 (such as a Custom Profile List in the Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Simulator macro mini-app) failed to read the final entry if it was not followed by a blank line (ie, a final carriage return). Bug Fix: Right-click Help didn't work for Multi-Channel Outputs. Bug Fix: Right-click on edit controls in the DAT File Format Dialog (Sample Rate, Decimate X, and Skip Header Bytes) did not open Help properly. |
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