Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Macro Commands In MIDI ScriptsThis family of MIDI commands allows access to selected main Daqarta macro commands that may be useful in MIDI Changes scripts. Each command starts with 'G' followed by a 2-letter code to specify the corresponding macro command. In addition, the first two commands in the table (corresponding to TiltdB and Tilt macros) use a period and a 2-letter suffix to specify the channel: .LI, .RI, .LO, .RO for Left In, Right In, Left Out, Right Out. (These same 2-letter channel selectors are given as prefixes in the macro versions.) Please note that all of these MIDI commands require numerical values, even though the macro equivalents for some "radio button" controls may allow optional text versions. For example, SpectWind=Bkmn to set a Blackman spectrum window must here use the numerical equivalent GST=2. The table below shows commands to set values, but MIDI scripts can also read these values or use them in MIDI IF statements. For example, to display the Left Out Tilt dB value as a decimal, you could use oLf=GCT.LI. For additional information, click on the macro links for each command. MIDI Script Macro Description GCT.LI=n LI.TiltdB Spectrum Tilt dB value, Left Input GCt.LI=n LI.Tilt Spectrum Tilt state, Left Input GMM=n SgMode Spectrogram mode (0-2) GPT=n PitchTrk Pitch Track state GPH=n PitchHyst Pitch Hysteresis GPO=n PitchOct Pitch +/- Octaves GPS=n PitchShow Pitch Display GPW=n PitchWide Pitch Line Width state GPY=n PitchYaxis Pitch Freq Axis (Notes/Freq/MIDI) GPs=n PitchSteps Pitch Steps state GSW=n SpectWindOn Spectrum Window state GSw=n SpectWidth Spectrum Window Width GST=n SpectWind Spectrum Window Type GTx=n Trig Trigger state GTM=n TrigMode Trigger Mode GTS=n TrigSrc Trigger Source GTL=n TrigLevel Trigger Level GXt=n Xpand X-Axis (Sgram frequency) eXpand GXM=n XpandMax X-Axis (Sgram frequency) eXpand Max GXm=n XpandMin X-Axis (Sgram frequency) eXpand Min GXU=n TraceUpdate Trace Update Interval GYm=n TraceMag Trace Magnification Range GYT=n YlogTop Top dB Value GYt=n YlogScrnTop Top Screen Pixel dB GYb=n YlogScrnBot Bottom Screen Pixel dB GVM=n MasterMute Mute Output Volume GVL=n SynthVolL Left MIDI Volume GVR=n SynthVolR Right MIDI Volume (XP) See also Changes Script Overview, Changes Script Editor, MIDI Voice Setup Dialogs, Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview |
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