Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Percussion Pattern ScrollControls: Sgram/PT Dialog >> Pitch-to-MIDI >> Percussion Setup Each Percussion Velocity Pattern character position is referenced by an index from 0 to 255, shown above the pattern area. Only 30 characters are shown at time, so the index line initially shows 0 to 29. The index line and patterns use a fixed-width font so that characters remain vertically aligned. When you are editing any pattern you can use normal mouse or keyboard horizontal scroll operations to move around the pattern, and the index line and other patterns will scroll to match. Alternatively, you may scroll the patterns at any time using the small left and right arrow buttons. Those at the left end of the index line move the patterns by single index positions; those at the right end move 10 positions at a time. You will only be able to scroll over the range where there are characters present in at least one of the patterns (A-F). If you try to scroll higher the right-scroll buttons will have no effect, indicating you are already at the current end of the patterns. See also Percussion Setup Dialog Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview, Spectrogram / Pitch Track Controls, Spectrogram / Pitch Track (Sgram/PT) |
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