Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
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The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
GlossyScales.TXT List of Selected Musical ScalesBelow is a list of 42 named musical scales, which have been selected from the complete AllScales list of 532 scales in the Musical Scales List that is displayed when the Scale dialog is open for a MIDI Voice Setup. The selection process used listening tests of random note sequences via GlossyTracks. The chosen scales did not necessarily give pleasing results under all tests, but they at least gave interesting results on some of the tests. This list also appears as the GlossyScales.TXT file in the Documents - Daqarta - User_Data - MIDI_Setup folder, as noted in the List Of Included Daqarta Files The first column is the numerical value of the scale, obtained from the binary equivalent of the second column that shows which notes of the octave starting with C are included. The third column is the common name, of which there may not be universal agreement, but which is convenient to use. 2773 ;C D EF G A B Major 2906 ;C De F Ga b Natural Minor 2708 ;C D E G A Pentatonic Major 2964 ;C DeE G A Blues Major 2418 ;C e FgG b Blues Minor 3442 ;Cd e FgG b Blues Phrygian 2322 ;C e G b Chinese Bi Yu 2704 ;C D E G Eskimo Tetratonic 2130 ;C F G b Genus Primum Inverse 2261 ;C EF G A B Genus Secundum 2257 ;C EF G B Ionian Pentatonic 3154 ;Cd F G b Japanese Kokin-Joshi 2644 ;C D F G A Japanese Ritusen 2741 ;C D E gG A B Lydian 2709 ;C D E G A B Lydian Hexatonic 2768 ;C D EF G Major Pentachord 2752 ;C D EF Major Tetrachord 3400 ;Cd e F a Raga Chitthakarshini 2630 ;C D F Ab Raga Guhamanohari 2705 ;C D E G B Raga Hamsadhvani 3237 ;Cd E g A B Raga Hamsanandi 3354 ;Cd e Ga b Raga Kashyapi 2246 ;C EF Ab Raga Khamaji Durga 2262 ;C EF G Ab Raga Khamas 2392 ;C e F Ga Raga Kokil Pancham 2378 ;C e F a b Raga Malkauns 2197 ;C E G A B Raga Mamata 2260 ;C EF G A Raga Mand 2582 ;C D G Ab Raga Matha Kokila 2614 ;C D gG Ab Raga Sarasvati 2330 ;C e Ga b Raga Shailaja 2612 ;C D gG A Raga Shri Kalyan 2770 ;C D EF G b Raga Siva Kambhoji 2393 ;C e F Ga B Raga Takka 2842 ;C De Ga b Raga Trimurti 2609 ;C D gG B Raga Vaijayanti 2198 ;C E G Ab Raga Valaji 2740 ;C D E gG A Raga Yamuna Kalyani 3402 ;Cd e F a b Ritsu 2772 ;C D EF G A Scottish Hexatonic 2196 ;C E G A Chord M6 2321 ;C e G B Chord mM7 |
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