Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
List Of Included Daqarta Files
Introduction:When you are exploring Daqarta, you may notice that there are numerous included files that can be opened from various dialogs. There are Generator setups, Spectrum curves, Arb waveforms, MIDI setups, and more. If you want to know what a particular file is used for, this list will direct you to the relevant Help topic. The files are organized here by folder and file type. For example, Generator setups (.GEN file type) are all in the App_Data folder. Typically you don't need to know the folder name or file type since the Load Setup button defaults to showing all the .GEN files in the App_Data folder. The lists here will help you find out more about a particular file, knowing only the name. However, note that .GEN files and MIDI setup (.DQM) files have alternative ways to find the relative links; see those sections below.
Documents - Daqarta - App_Data:
Generator Setup (.GEN) Files:The following Generator Setup (.GEN) files are included with Daqarta and may be loaded via the Load Setup button in the Generator control dialog or the File menu. You may also Save modifications of these setups, or your own creations. However, note that many of the following are auto-loaded by macro mini-apps, which may not operate properly with a changed file. Instead of using this list, you may alternatively just load a .GEN file and then right-click on the Generator Setup Title to see the relevant Help topic. !Spooky.GEN Sci-Fi Theremin Simulator 8-ChanTest.GEN Multi-Channel Test Setup AliasDemo.GEN Aliasing Demonstration AltSine.GEN Burst Shape Manual Output Calibration AM31Tone.GEN Multiple Tone Creation via AM AMnoise.GEN Spectrogram Bloom Mode ArbTest.GEN Arb_From_Equation Mini-App AudPhase.GEN Audible Phase Demonstration AutoCal.GEN Auto-Calibrate Dialog BeatsDemo.GEN Monaural and Binaural Beats Mini-App Burst_5ms_X2.GEN Triggered Burst demo for Event Triggering ChartDemo.GEN Chart Recorder Mini-App Circles.GEN Arb_From_Equation Mini-App - Ellipses and Circles Composer.GEN Composer.GEN Setup Random Selection of Arb Values Step Timing Mode CrankFM.GEN Engine Crank/Cam Sensor Simulation Principles Creating Pulse-Train Arbs Spectrogram Bloom Mode CrankRamp.GEN Engine Crank/Cam Sensor Simulation Principles Creating Pulse-Train Arbs - Creation and Use CrankRaw24p1.GEN Creating Rectified-Wave Arbs - Extra Pulse Series CrankRaw24s3.GEN Creating Pulse-Train Arbs - Extra-Sine Series CrankRaw25-1.GEN Creating Pulse-Train Arbs - Gap Series Default.GEN Restoring The Default Generator Setup Dither.GEN Dither Demonstration EngineSim.GEN Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Simulator Mini-App FFT_Filter.GEN FFT Filter Mini-App GausWhit.GEN Comparing Noise Distributions IMDmeter.GEN IMD Meter Mini-App Impulse45.GEN Impulse Response InvSine.GEN Manual Output Calibration LCRmeter.GEN LCR Meter Mini-App with ESR, DF, and Q Lissajous.GEN Lissajous (X vs. Y) Mini-App Machines.GEN Mad Scientist Lab Background Sound MissFund.GEN Missing Fundamental Mini-App Phantom.GEN Phantom Signals PhaseMeter.GEN Phase Meter Mini-App PulseTest.GEN Pulse Meter Mini-App Rect_Burst.GEN Creating Rectified-Wave Arbs - Sine or Triangle Rect_Wave.GEN Creating Rectified-Wave Arbs - Amplitude Modulation RndBurst.GEN Random Pulse or Burst Timing SineSqr.GEN Making Waves via Sine Wave Synthesis THDmeter.GEN THD Meter Mini-App THD_Mtr_LF.GEN THD Meter Mini-App - Low Frequency Version WAV2BMP.GEN BMP Image to WAV Sound and Spectrogram Image White4Gauss.GEN Random Macro Values - Gaussian Distributions WhiteMute.GEN Uniform Random Number Source Arbitrary Random Distribution Mini-App DaqMusiq Zwicker.GEN Zwicker Tones
Spectrum Curve (.CRV) Files:Spectrum Curves allow you to apply frequency response correction or a weighting curve to any spectrum. The following .CRV files are discussed in:
A-Weight.CRV B-Weight.CRV C-Weight.CRV D-Weight.CRV Z-Weight.CRV Sound Level Meter AC / DC Response Z-Weight96.CRV Sound Level Meter AC / DC Response ITU-R_468.CRV SPL Response Select Spectrum Averager Peak Mode Vehicle Pass-By Noise ITU-R_ARM.CRV IMD Meter Mini-App Tilt-3dB.CRV Tilt-6dB.CRV Pink.CRV Noise Band Shape - Taps RIAA.CRV RIAA Phono Equalization Testing Inv_RIAA.CRV RIAA Phono Equalization Testing IEC_RIAA.CRV RIAA Phono Equalization Testing Inv_IEC_RIAA.CRV RIAA Phono Equalization Testing
Frequency Counter Fcal Table (.TBL) Files:The following .TBL files are selected via the Calibration Table button in the Fcal dialog of the Frequency Counter. They allow nonlinear sensors with frequency output circuits, such as thermocouples used with the Thermocouple To Frequency circuit, to be read directly in user units. The included files are for temperature sensors, whose units may be toggled between Celsius and Fahrenheit via the Fcal Units button. (You can create your own files for any unit type.) Thermocouples: B_TypeTC.TBL E_TypeTC.TBL J_TypeTC.TBL K_TypeTC.TBL N_TypeTC.TBL R_TypeTC.TBL S_TypeTC.TBL T_TypeTC.TBL Linear Sensors: LinearC.TBL LinearF.TBL
Spectrogrm Palette (.PAL or .PLT) Files:The following palette files may be loaded via the Load Pal button in the Color Palette dialog of the Spectrogram (Sgram) controls. They are standard Windows 256-color palette files with a .PAL extension, or a .PLT extension if you installed Daqarta to a folder other than the default. Default.PAL Color spectrum, red to violet to black GrayScale.PAL White to black (for printers) Default.PLT GrayScale.PLT
Colors & Styles (.RGB) Setup Files:Load these with the Load File button near the bottom of the Colors & Styles dialog. Default.RGB Restores main colors and styles to as-installed Line_Styles_3.RGB Four different line styles, width = 3 BW_Style_3.RGB As above, but in black and white Gray_Style_3.RGB As above, but shades of gray
Internal Daqarta Files:For internal Daqarta use only; not user-viewable or editable: Daqarta.DQM Default MIDI setup Daqarta.DQS MIDI Scales Daqarta.TXX GlossyTracks MIDI Title Generator word list Daqarta0.MAC Default List of available macros
Documents - Daqarta - User_Data:
Headerless Data (.DAT) Files:The following .DAT files are intended as Arb waveforms for use with the Generator, but can be opened as normal files via DD/Open for viewing or analysis. To do that, accept the default parameters in the DAT Format dialog. (That dialog appears when Daqarta encounters a file it can't identify.) Files beginning with Arb_ were created with the Arb_From_Equation macro mini-app, and are discussed there along with waveform images and macro code for creating them. These are 16384 sample files, but the default Daqarta screen only shows 1024 without scrolling. To see the entire waveform at one time when opened this way, go to the X-Axis controls dialog and set Decimate on with Factor = 16. Alternatively, you can actually use them as Arb waveforms and set the Tone Freq to 46.875 Hz (assuming the default 48000 Hz sample rate, else use SampleRate/1024). Set Tone Sync on (if not already) in the Tone Frequency dialog, then go to the Trigger controls dialog and set the Mode to Gen Sync. The waveform display will then show exactly one cycle of the Arb. (Plus, you can hear the sound of the file as well!) !Spooky.DAT is a 1024 sample file that holds the old sci-fi movie theremin theme as a frequency profile, for use by the !Spooky.GEN setup Expnote.DAT) is a special 1024 sample file used with the Composer.GEN setup. Arb_75Ramp50.DAT Ramp with 75% Rise slope, 50% of cycle Arb_Agnesi.DAT Witch of Agnesi curve Arb_Alt_Half_Ellipse.DAT Dual-circle waves using Circles.GEN Arb_BkmExact.DAT Blackman Exact window function Arb_BkmHarris.DAT Blackman-Harris window function Arb_Blackman.DAT Blackman window function Arb_Catenary.DAT Catenary curve Arb_D_Lorentz.DAT Derivative of Lorentz function Arb_Exp_Charge.DAT Exponential R-C charge curve Arb_Exp_Decay.DAT Exponential R-C discharge curve Arb_Exp_Growth.DAT Exponential growth function Arb_Fake_Vowel.DAT Multiple Sine Wave Harmonics Arb_FlatTop.DAT Flat-Top window function Arb_FSPulse25.DAT Full-Scale pulsse, 25% of cycle Arb_FullRectSine.DAT Full-wave rectified sine Arb_Gauss.DAT Gaussian curve Arb_Half_Ellipse.DAT Top half of ellipse or circle Arb_HalfRectSine.DAT Half-wave rectified sine Arb_HalfTan.DAT Tangent curve, 180 degrees Arb_Hamming.DAT Hamming window function Arb_Hann.DAT Hann window function Arb_Log.DAT Scaled logarithmic curve Arb_Lorentz_8th.DAT Lorentz function, 1/8 cycle width Arb_Power_2.DAT Y=X^P, with P=2 Arb_Power_3.DAT Y=X^P, with P=3 Arb_Power_5.DAT Y=X^P, with P=5 Arb_Power_10.DAT Y=X^P, with P=10 Arb_Pulse50.DAT Positive-only square wave Arb_Ramp100.DAT 0 to +100% Ramp Arb_Ramp_Bipolar100.DAT -100 to +100% FS Arb_RC_LowPass_Square.DAT Exponential charge and decay Arb_Sinc85.DAT Sinc Function sin(x)/x Arb_Sine.DAT Sine wave cycle Arb_Sine4Ramp.DAT Sine-series ramp, 4 terms Arb_Sine4Square.DAT Sine-series square, 4 terms Arb_Sine4Triangle.DAT Sine-series triangle, 4 terms Arb_Sine50.DAT Single sine cycle in 50% of wave, rest null Arb_Sine521.DAT Equal-amplitude sines, 5 harmonics, start 2nd Arb_Sine543.DAT As above but start 4th, then steps of 3 Arb_Sine8Ramp.DAT Sine-series ramp, 8 terms Arb_Sine8Square.DAT Sine-series square, 8 terms Arb_Square.DAT Square wave Arb_Square50.DAT Square cycle in 50% of wave, rest null Arb_SquareRoot.DAT Plot of sqrt(X) from 0 to 1 Arb_Tan.DAT Tangent curve Arb_Triangle.DAT Triangle wave cycle Arb_Triangle50.DAT Triangle cycle in 50% of wave, rest null !Spooky.DAT Sci-Fi Theremin Simulator pitch profile Expnote.DAT Exponential curve, plus musical intervals
Daqarta Data (.DQA) Files:The following files all pertain to engine crank/cam sensor simulation for ECM/ECU testing. The first was created manually using Creating Pulse-Train Arbs methods. The other 5 were created by the Engine_Sim Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Simulator macro mini-app, which is recommended for viewing and using them. Crank25-1.DQA Engine crank sensor only, 25 teeth less 1 Engine36-1p@160.000_1p.DQA 36-1 tooth crank, 1-tooth cam @160 deg, pulse Engine30-2f@160.000_1f.DQA 30-2 tooth crank, 1-tooth cam @160 deg, FS pulse Engine12f@0.000_4Yf.DQA 12 tooth crank, 4 tooth cam, TDC/CYP, FS pulse Engine36-1p@40.000_4Dp.DQA 36-1 crank, dual-cam variable valve timing, pulse Engine36-1p@40.000_4Sp.DQA 36-1 crank, single-cam variable valve timing, pulse
Text Data (.TXT) Files:CAM_CYP.TXT Custom Profile for above Engine12f@0.000_4Yf.DQA CAM_VVT2.TXT Custom Profile for Engine36-1p@40.000_4Dp.DQA CAM_VVT1.TXT Custom Profile for Engine36-1p@40.000_4Sp.DQA RPM_Ramp_Arb.TXT RPM vs time test schedule for Engine_Sim RPM_Ramp_List.TXT RPM vs time list for creating above Arb RPM_Ramp_Dur_List.TXT As above but durations instead of elapsed time Cos2HiLo.TXT Arbitrary Random Distribution mini-app Font8x8.TXT Text-to-MIDI spectrogram bitmap tables !Spooky_List.TXT For !Spooky.GEN Sci-Fi Theremin Simulator
Bitmap (.BMP) Image Files:Bitmap (.BMP) files are not a normal Daqarta data type (.DQA, .WAV. .DAT, or .TXT) so they don't display by default (and can't be opened with) the DD / Open button. You only see them with '*.BMP' in the Open dialog for Buf0-7 macro array file operations, as used by the BMP_to_WAV macro mini-app. This converts a bitmap image to a .WAV file whose spectrogram reproduces the original image in full color. The files below are all the same image, with different color resolutions: SpectroGramma256.BMP SpectroGramma128.BMP SpectroGramma64.BMP SpectroGramma32.BMP
Documents - Daqarta - User_Data - MIDI_Setup:
MIDI Setup (DQM) Files:The following MIDI Setup (.DQM) files include many DaqMusiq perfomances that you simply listen to, as well as interactive perfomances. Some are also appropriate for KaleidoSynth use. Instead of using this list, you may alternatively just load the MIDI setup, then right-click on the Pitch-to-MIDI dialog title bar, or any non-control area in that dialog, to see the relevant Help topic. !NewSetup.DQM Empty setup, for new creations !Spooky4.DQM Background music for Halloween AirBand.DQM Voice-controlled music generation AirGuitar.DQM As above, but all guitars Alouette.DQM Traditional, random instrument changes AmazingGrace.DQM Traditional, random instrument changes America.DQM Traditional, random instrument changes OFF BallGame.DQM Traditional, Rhodes piano and Hammond organ Cowboy.DQM Acoustic guitar, piano, occasional strings Edgy.DQM Edgy jazz (60's 'B' movie style) - KaleidoSynth FrJacques.DQM Traditional, 4 random instruments in rounds GlossyBlack.DQM 8 random 'black key' melodies, random instruments GlossyBlue.DQM As above but Blues Phrygian scale GlossyBones.DQM 8 random 'black key' melodies, percussive only GlossyChrome.DQM 8 random melodies, all keys (Chromatic scale) GlossyFish.DQM Like GlossyBlack with variable parameters GlossyFishBones.DQM GlossyFish plus GlossyBones GlossyFishSticks.DQM GlossyFish plus GlossySticks GlossySticks.DQM Like GlossyBones but more percussion changes GlossyTracks.DQM Full automatic music generation, with titles GlossyWhite.DQM 8 random melodies, white keys (Major) only HornTalk.DQM Random English horn notes, speech-like Joshua.DQM Traditional, random instrument changes JukeBox.DQM Single-voice random melody and instrument Mashup.DQM 8 traditional songs, random instruments MissFundamental.DQM Frere Jacques, 1 voice/harmonic 1-8, can toggle Mournful.DQM Tenor sax, electric bass, Major scale, slow OldMacDonald.DQM Traditional, piano and guitar plus random animal Peaceful.DQM Orchestral harp, Pentatonic Major (black keys) PercBlue.DQM Electric guitar and bass, Blues Major, percussion PhrygidBlueJam.DQM Random notes and instruments, Blues Phrygian PompCirc.DQM "Pomp And Circumstance", 2 random instruments Saints.DQM Traditional, random instruments and percussion Symphonic.DQM Piano and strings with random range variation ThisOldMan.DQM Traditional, 2 random instruments TimPanic.DQM Random timpani notes Txt2MIDI.DQM Text into notes having original text spectrogam
MIDI Script Support Text (.TXT) Files:The following text files can be loaded into MIDI buffers for access by MIDI scripts: AllInst.TXT All 128 General MIDI instrument numbers AllPerc.TXT All 61 General MIDI percussion numbers AllScales.TXT All 532 musical scales GlossyInst.TXT GlossyTracks subset of AllInst GlossyPerc.TXT GlossyTracks subset of AllPerc GlossyScales.TXT GlossyTracks subset of AllScales
Documents - Daqarta - Circuits:These are circuit diagrams and board layouts for Daqarta supporting circuits. The xxxAll600.PNG files include schematic and board layouts on one page for printing at 600 DPI, for direct transfer to copper-clad board stock. The associated .PCB files were created using ExpressPCB software, for commercial 3rd-party fabrication. Daquino_DAC_All600.PNG DaquinOscope Wavetable DAC Daquino_DAC.PCB ExpressPCB file for above DC_2PulseOutAll600.JPG DC Pulse Output Mod schematics and photo DC_In2Out4All600.PNG DC Input / Output Adapter DC_In2Out4.PCB ExpressPCB file for above DC_PulseOutAll600.PNG 4-channel DC Pulse Output Adapter DC_PulseOut.PCB ExpressPCB file for above PreScaleAll600.PNG Frequency Prescaler PreScale.PCB ExpressPCB file for above PulseOutQAll600.PNG Simple DC Pulse Converter PulseOutQ.PCB ExpressPCB file for above PulseOutWAll600.PNG Wide-Range DC Pulse Converter PulseOutW.PCB ExpressPCB file for above SgnModAll600.PNG External DC-to-AC Signed Modulator SgnMod.PCB ExpressPCB file for above TC_ColdAll600.PNG Thermocouple to Frequency TC_Cold.PCB ExpressPCB file for above TempToFreqAll600.PNG Temperature to Frequency TempToFreq.PCB ExpressPCB file for above VoltToFreqAll600.PNG Bipolar Voltage To Frequency VoltToFreq.PCB ExpressPCB file for above
Documents - Daqarta - Utility:These files pertain to remote control of Daqarta by custom external applications. DqaCmd.ASM Command line remote control source DqaCmd.EXE Command line remote control excutable MDC.BAT Batch file to create above EXE DqaDlg.ASM Dialog remote control source DqaDlg.RC Resource file for above DqaDlg.EXE Dialog remote control executable MDD.BAT Batch file to create above EXE This file is an Arduino "sketch", which is code that resides in the Arduino's program memory and allows the Arduino to act as a peripheral device, controlled by Daqarta via USB / serial port commands. Full discussion in the DaqPort topic. DaqPort.ino Arduino sketch |
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