Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
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The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
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Note Bend Controls: Sgram/PT Dialog >> Pitch-to-MIDI >> Setup
When Note Bend is active, the notes produced by a MIDI Voice Setup start out "on pitch", but then follow the relative pitch of the Pitch Track input signal. This works even if the input and output are not the same note (say, due to +/-Note adjustment). For example, if a C4 input is used to produce a G4 output, then if the C4 goes slightly sharp the G4 will go sharp by that same amount. Note Bend updates the playing note on every Trace Update, typically 10 msec apart (100 times per second). This happens even if the notes are being played (live or via Tempo control) at a much slower rate. Note Bend can thus add vibrato or other pitch changes, but only within a certain range. If the input pitch changes too much, it will be classified as a new note and the original note will be stopped. The Pitch Hysteresis control in the main Spectrogram / Pitch Track dialog allows you to specify the acceptable pitch range. However, use caution if you set Hysteresis greater than 0.5 (halfway between adjacent notes), or an intended note step may not be detected based on pitch alone... you'll need to make sure to stop the sound briefly between notes. Note Bend can actually cover a range of +/-24 semitones if Hysteresis is at maximum, capable of lumping an entire performance into a single widely varying "note" if there are no rests to break it into separate notes. This can allow tracking of vocal or instrumental trills and glides. If you use this mode, you will almost certainly want to have the main Tempo Voice button off to insure fast tracking response. Note Bend also works when Voice Tempo is in Percussion mode, which otherwise ignores incoming note pitch and just uses the Pattern Key plus Note Pattern to determine the note to be played. If the raw live note is sharp or flat, the output will be sharp or flat by the same relative amount. Use bv=n to set Note Bend for Voice v to the value of n, which may be any unsigned integer or valid expression, including current MIDI control values, random values, current computer keyboard states or mouse position, input or buffered notes, or oscillators. If the value is zero, Note Bend is off; any other value sets it on. Alternatively, you can use x instead of a value to toggle the current state. For example, b2=x toggles the current Bend state for Voice 2. You can use "voice" 9 to set or toggle Note Bend for all 8 voices at once. See also MIDI Voice Setup Dialogs, Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview |
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