Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Revision History - v10.5.0Daqarta v10.5.2 - 5 Aug 2017 Smoother main and dialog fonts on Vista and later Windows versions. Bug Fix: Txt2MIDI.DQM Text-to-MIDI script defaulted to using garbage string in Notes, instead of 'DAQARTA!'. Bug Fix: Automatic filename screening for forbidden Windows filename characters in macros (introduced in v10.5.1) was improperly replacing some characters, such as '*' in macro-defined search strings like '*.WAV' to be used in file Open commands, and also ':' and '\' in paths. Caused BMP_to_WAV and WAV_to_BMP macros to fail. Bug Fix: YlogTop macro commands to set the top of the Y-log dB range in Spectrum or Sgram/PT modes could cause Daqarta to crash. Daqarta v10.5.1 - 25 May 2017 New Auto_Recorder macro mini-app provides sound-activated recording with adjustable parameters and data logging. (Uses A ID for Hot Key access, replacing Arb_Rand_Distr Arbitrary Random Distributions which now requires scrolling down the Macro List.) New Macro String Arrays Str0-7 allow advanced text storage and manipulation options, including flexible lengths, case conversion, and numerical expression evaluation. Macro String Storage now allows strings of up to 2048 characters each to be stored in 256 adjacent elements of macro arrays Buf0-7, or in smaller strings down to 8 characters in a single element. These strings can be accessed as normal string expressions via appropriate format commands. Floating-point or 64-bit fixed-point Macro variables can now be set with quoted immediate strings up to 8 characters long, as in A="12345678". This sets the integer portion to "1234", which is hex 31323334, and the fraction portion to "5678", which is hex 35363738. Formerly only 4 characters were allowed, setting only the integer, as is still true for integer variables like U0-UZ and Q0-QZ. Arb and Play file names now accept string variables or expressions, using #1 or #2 to specify the number of channels, as in L.3.Arb2#2=Str2 + "*.DQA" or A.L.1.Play0#1=Buf0[123](a2). Fields (and Labels) can now be set with the contents of Notes or the most recent custom message (Msg). This was formerly prevented due to the possibility of carriage return and line feed characters, which are now simply filtered out. File name commands like Open, SaveDQA, or file operations on Macro Arrays Buf0-7 can now use Notes or Msg strings, along with time strings t or uT. In addition to filtering out possible carriage returns and line feeds (as for Fields and Labels above), file names used in macros are also screened for forbidden Windows filename characters, which are replaced with alternates. When a macro uses a Field or Label string to set a numeric variable, such as V=Field1, it is converted to a value using the standard Daqarta number entry and time formats. If this fails, the string is converted to ASCII text character values and read as an integer holding the first 4 characters, or (in v10.1.0) as a floating-point or 64-bit fixed-point holding the first 8 characters as noted above. You can now force a Field or Label to be read as text by using an ?A suffix, as in V=Field1?A. This also applies to IF tests like IF.Field1(A)="1.23". DDisk Write PreStart limit has been increased from a half-second to a full second before the start event or toggle. New Posn#I Input/Output control enable macro command allows Generator and Input toggles to be disabled, along with Generator controls, Input controls, and Sample Rate controls, to prevent changes that would disrupt ongoing data stream pointers Posn?I (input) and Posn?O (output). When Macro Arrays Buf0-7 are loaded from files, the array is automatically cleared first to insure no old data remains if the file has less than 1024 values. The new Buf0#K=1 command can now be given before the load to keep whatever old data that isn't overwritten by file data. A macro can now read the current LogName as a string which can be saved while the macro uses a different log file, and restored afterward. For example, Str0=LogName stores the full path and name, Str0=LogName?N stores only the name with extension, and Str0=LogName?n stores only the name. You can now read the current DDisk state via the DDisk?X read-only macro, which is 1 as soon as file name has been accepted and 0 as soon as DDisk is clicked to toggle off. Floating-point or 64-bit fixed-point macro variables can now be set in hexadecimal format that includes the fractional portion, using an 'h' prefix as in X=h01020304.05060708 to set the decimal equivalent of 16909060.019623222. Labels and Fields can now be tested with immediate quoted strings, as in IF.Field1="Test". THD_Meter and IMD_Meter macro Mini-Apps now preserve the current Input state at start-up. (Formerly toggled Input off.) Both also remove prior Task, if any. IMD_Meter now starts with unmuted sound output, as THD_Meter always did. The User Line Units Name (such as the default 'Volt' for the Left Output) can now be read as a numeric variable via UA=LO.UserName, which can be tested with an IF statement such as IF.UA="Volt". It can be tested directly with IF.LO.UserName="Volt". It can be copied to a message like Msg, a Custom Meter like Mtr0, a String Array like Str0, or a Label or Field by specifying alphanumeric format with (A) suffix, as in Field1=LO.UserName(A). Fcal calibration tables for the Frequency Counter (which allow the counter to read directly in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit for use with temperature-to-frequency circuits, for example) may now be read via the FcalTbl macro using query characters, as in Msg=FcalTbl?U to display Units DegC or DegF. Bug Fix: During Direct-to-Disk (DDisk) recording, some Generator controls remained enabled. If used while the Generator was active they formerly caused it to restart (along with the Input, if active), corrupting the recording. Bug Fix: IF statements with radio buttons or named toggles using quoted strings, like IF.VoltMode="Peak" or IF.SmplSec="sec", caused the macro to abort. Bug Fix: Read-only position pointers Posn?D, Posn?d, Posn?I, and Posn?O for sound card display, trigger, and input and output streams only returned 32-bit signed integers, limiting use to 2^31 samples before overflow (about 12.43 hours at the default sample rate of 48000 Hz). They now return 80-bit floating point values if assigned to variables A-Z. Bug Fix: The file Open macro would not accept () number formatting, as in Open="Test"+Var0(3.0) to specify opening a file with the name "Test" having the value of Var0 appended with 3 integer digits and no decimal places. Likewise for specifying Arb and Play file names. Bug Fix: The Direct-to-Disk DDisk command DDisk=0 was supposed to toggle the DDisk button off, but would actually accept any value. Likewise, the DDiskRec commands DDiskRec=0 and DDiskRec=1 both just toggled the current state instead of setting the indicated state. Bug Fix: A spurious Tab entry in a macro expression could cause the macro to abort. Worse, in an array index calculation it could cause an erroneous index to be used. Bug Fix: A macro using Buf0-7 file commands with Save As or Open dialogs could be corrupted by a background task using file commands with different parameters, activated during the dialog wait for the user to select a file name. Bug Fix: Macros failed to reject immediate values that had more than one scientific prefix, such as X=1m23k. Bug Fix: Spectrum Limits macro to show Pass/Fail states always showed hexadecimal format, ignoring string format options. Now Msg=Limits(A) shows the special 4-character LRlr alpha format, Limits(h) shows hexadecimal, and plain Limits shows an integer. Bug Fix: First_Run macro failed to show Help button when run automatically on Daqarta start-up Bug Fix: THD_Meter macro Mini-App started up showing default Fundamental Frequency of 984.375 Hz (the nearest spectral line to the standard 1000 Hz test frequency) but actually producing 937.500 Hz from the THDmeter.GEN Generator setup. Now produces 984.375 as shown. Bug Fix: Engine_Sim Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Simulator macro Mini-App always starts with Constant RPM operation on toggle to SIMULATION mode, but speed button could improperly show prior 600-6000 RPM Sine Cycle or Arbitrary Schedule Cycle. |
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