Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
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The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Percussion On/Off Controls: Sgram/PT Dialog >> Pitch-to-MIDI >> Percussion Setup
The Percussion On/Off button appears at the upper left of the Percussion Setup dialog, and near the bottom of the Pitch-to-MIDI dialog. Unlike the analogous Instrument On/Off button in the Voice Setup and Pitch-to-MIDI dialogs it does not show an instrument name. It controls the overall Percussion voice, which may include up to 6 separate instruments, each with its own Instrument On/Off button. Note that toggling the Percussion On/Off does not toggle the associated Changes script operation, which must be toggled separately. A Percussion script can thus continue to run (affecting Voice Setups) while Percussion itself is off. XP=n sets the overall Percussion state to the value of n, which may be any unsigned integer or valid expression, including current MIDI control values, random values, current computer keyboard states or mouse position, input or buffered notes, oscillators, and User Variables. If the value is zero, Percussion is off; any other value turns it on. Alternatively, you can use x instead of a value to toggle the current state. For example, XP=x toggles the current Percussion state. Tip: As noted, the n value can include random values. If you set the random limits to 0 and 1, as in XP=?(0,1), Percussion will be toggled on approximately half the time. See the Random Values topic for a simple method to control the average percentage of on or off states. Macro Notes: MIDItogP=1 sets Percussion on, MIDItogP=0 sets it off, and MIDItogP=x toggles the current state. However, Changes scripts are recommended for this purpose. See also Percussion Setup Dialog Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview, Spectrogram / Pitch Track Controls, Spectrogram / Pitch Track (Sgram/PT) |
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