Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Juxt Add New Trace Controls: File Menu >> Juxt Dialog >> Add New
This topic covers the Add New button in the Juxt dialog, and also the "Save Trace to Juxt Memory Array (ALT+J)" selection in the File menu. This Add New button is only enabled when the current trace is Paused. Pressing it will store that trace in Juxt memory, and set it as the Selected trace. Alternatively, you can use the menu selection or ALT+J to automatically Pause and save the current trace (and unPause afterward unless it was Paused to begin with), whether the Juxt dialog is visible or not. In addition, the message line will report "Saved to Juxt Trace 01" (or whatever trace number was just saved). The ALT+J method is especially useful for saving a series of traces from a rapidly-changing signal. If there is no time to update Field text or Notes to identify each trace, you can later still see when each trace was saved by setting the Juxt Array Label Field to show Time. Or, instead of ALT+J, you may prefer to use a Macro hot-key which can update Field text or Notes automatically. Besides saving traces from Paused live data, you may also open files and then save traces via New. Single-screen trace files are always in Pause mode; longer (DDisk) files may be scrolled to any desired location for saving. (You can't save entire DDisk files to Juxt memory, only individual screens.) NOTE: This function is disabled after the trial period, unless a Professional license key is present. Macro Notes: JuxtNew= (value ignored) behaves just like pressing the Add New button manually: It stores the current trace only if the Juxt dialog is open and the Add New button is enabled, which requires that the trace be Paused first. There is no report on the message line. JuxtAdd= (value ignored) Pauses the display and stores the current trace, without opening the Juxt dialog. It reports the saved trace number on the message line. When JuxtNew or JuxtAdd is used in an expression or IF statement, the effective value is 1 (true) if a trace can be stored to Juxt memory, else 0. JuxtNew requires that the trace be Paused, while JuxtAdd does not. See also Juxt Trace Memory Array |
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