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Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
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The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Instant MacroThis is analogous to the F8 Hot-Key method for instantly invoking any macro by its ID. But instead of running a macro you have previously defined, here you can create a macro and run it in one step. This allows you to operate virtually any control in Daqarta from the keyboard alone, without needing to open or navigate dialogs. Starting with the Macro Dialog closed, hit the F8 function key followed by Spacebar (which is not a valid ID for Hot-Key use). The Macro Edit dialog will be opened as for New macro creation, but with the cursor already positioned in the Definition field. You can enter any valid macro command or series of commands just as if you were defining a normal macro, but if you conclude the entry with SHIFT+Enter that macro will be run immediately and the dialog closed. The macro you create and run this way will be given a default blank ID and a Name of '~~~~' (four tilde characters). It will be automatically overwritten without warning by the next Instant Macro. The most recent Instant Macro will always be included with other macros in the List box of the Macro Dialog, typically as the very last entry in the list (due to the default Name). It can then be edited just like any other macro, including changing its ID and Name. If instead of SHIFT+Enter you conclude the macro definition "normally" by hitting the Tab key, or you click Save, or edit the ID or Name fields, Instant Macro mode is abandoned and SHIFT+Enter no longer works. You can then save the macro normally with whatever ID or Name you choose, and when you close the Edit dialog the normal Macro control dialog will be open. If you do use Tab to conclude the definition, the keyboard focus moves to the Save button. Hitting Tab again moves it to Cancel, once more to ID, then to Name, then to Description, and finally back to Definition. Note that you can use the normal Windows Paste operation (CTRL+V) to copy text from the Windows Clipboard instead of typing the Definition manually. This allows you to have multiple macros available using an external text editor of your choice. This may not be quite as convenient as saving them in Daqarta Macro (.MAC) files and invoking them with F8 plus a single ID key, but you don't need a Daqarta Professional license to do it. Note that a Remote Control command uses the same interface as an Instant Macro, and will overwrite any prior Instant Macro or remote command. See also Macro Run (F8 Hot-Key), Macro Overview ![]() |
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