Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Revision History - v7.00Daqarta v7.00 - 18 July 2012 Enhanced macro system now supports math expressions and operators (including built-in e and pi constants), math functions (including logarithmic, exponential, trig, and hyperbolic functions), 80-bit floating-point variables, arrays (including FFT/IFFT spectrum functions, special math, display, and file operations), multitasking, custom controls dialogs, and custom resizeable meters. Control macro commands can now be used in expressions, such as L.0.ToneFreq=sqrt(R.0.ToneFreq * R.1.ToneFreq). WHILE / WEND loops now supported. New high-resolution timer, and UTC time macro functions. New Miscellaneous macros include File Path and Name, Channel Select, Key State, and Mouse Position macros. Macro editor is wider, now has adjustable fonts. Macro Comments now support extended multi-line format to allow easy disable/enable of command blocks during development. Pre-installed macro examples and mini-apps (with Help tutorials) include Monaural and Binaural Beats, Channel Difference (A-B), Engine Crank and Cam Sensor Simulator, FFT Filter, THD Meter, IMD Meter, Phase Meter, Lissajous figures (X vs. Y), Chart Recorder, file conversion, thermocouple equations, and new Phantom Signals auditory phenomenon (possibly relevant to "dental radio" and Electronic Voice Phenomenon). New Properties dialog in Help menu allows verification of Daqarta's Digital Signature. (A missing or corrupt signature may indicate a virus or malware infection. Always download the latest version of Daqarta only from www.daqarta.com.) Macros to operate Dual and Solo controls now allow simultaneous setting of Swap state with only a single fade transition. Daqarta now accepts the emerging industry-standard Frequency Response Data (.FRD) files supplied with some calibrated microphones. This file type can be used as-is for relative calibration via Spectrum Curve, or you can add Unit and Sens lines manually and load it instead of a .CAL file as a microphone calibration file in the User Line dialog of the User Units option. This will behave exactly like a .CAL file to allow absolute SPL readings on the Y axis or via the Sound Level Meter option. If you use Daqarta to calibrate other microphones, you can now choose to save the calibration file in .FRD format. Spectrum Curve file open now allows selection of microphone or other calibration (.CAL or .FRD) files, even on uncalibrated systems. If applied to Input channels, the .CAL curve is inverted to correct the input to apparent flat response. .CAL, .CRV, and .FRD files now accept up to 4096 lines of data. Added new Minimize Daqarta Window (Minimize) macro. Reduced CPU usage during idle loop. Added new DaqMusiq setups, including GlossyFish.DQM (default), GlossyBlack (and GlossyWhite, Blue, and Chrome), PhrygidBlueJam, and Mashup. MIDI Changes script expressions now support modulus and left and right binary shift operators, as well as logical and bitwise binary operators. MIDI expressions now allow MIDI commands to be used as variables, where they return their current values. For example, I2=I1+1 will set the Instrument number for Voice 2 to one more than that for Voice 1. When a MIDI instrument number is changed dynamically via a Iv=n script command, the new number and name are shown "live" on the Pitch-to-MIDI dialog and/or the corresponding Voice Setup dialog as though selected manually. Likewise for Instrument On/Off state and Tempo. MIDI commands can now use expressions for Voice number or Buffer number by enclosing them with <>. For example, if UA = 1 and UB = 2 then I<UA+UB>=UC is equivalent to I3=UC. New MIDI R Pitch Track commands allow dynamic changes to Pitch Track Max and Min Frequencies, Threshold and other parameters during performances. MIDI Scales can now be set via the form S1=n where n is any valid numerical expression. The Scales List now includes scale number in addition to note pattern and name for each scale. The MIDI Output Display command now supports Scale number displayed as Scale name or note pattern, via oLS=n or oLs=n, respectively. MIDI Changes script can now read current mouse position to allow mouse control over performance. MIDI Changes script editor now allows adjustable fonts. comments now support extended multi-line format to allow easy disable/enable of command blocks during development. MIDI random value entry now supports random selection from a range of previously-set MIDI User Variables, such as I1=?AD to select from among UA through UD. Pre-set Buffer values can be randomly selected via I1=Bb12.?(0,3) to select from among the entries 0-3 of Buffer 2 of Voice 1 using Direct Array Access. MIDI Buffer Increment Fill allows easy discontinuous list creation for above random access, such as a list of Chromatic Percussion instrument numbers 8-15 plus Percussive instruments 112-119. Bug Fix: Nested macro IF containing @_MyMacro invocation was not preserving outer IF state. Bug Fix: Generator output Swap control could sometimes report wrong state. Bug Fix: Now properly supports devices such as USB microphones, which have only Master In but no input line controls, on Windows XP and earlier. Bug Fix: Trigger Source (and all Decimate mode Help topics) updated to include Source Raw and Source Decimate operation. New TrigSrcDec macro discussed. |
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