Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Example DaqMusiq/KaleidoSynth (.DQM) SetupsYou can start DaqMusiq at any time by using a Macro that comes installed with Daqarta: Hit the F8 key, followed by the 'd' key. You will be prompted to select a .DQM setups to play. All of the sample .DQM setups assume you are using the default Microsoft GS Wavetable synthesizer. Other synthesizers may be "better" in various ways, but they may produce less-satisfying results with these examples unless adjustments are made to some setups. So, you may want to try the GS first. The default Trace Update rate of 10 msec is assumed for all setups, and it is assumed that Trigger is off. (The macro will force Trigger off, but it doesn't change Trace Update.) In the descriptions for each setup, Spectrum Track Min-Max frequencies are rounded to the nearest 100 Hz. The actual values you get will be determined by the Sample Rate you are using. The default of 48000 Hz is strongly recommended. Many setups can be used in either DaqMusiq or KaleidoSynth mode. For KaleidoSynth, Input should be on and the Input Line should be set to Mic with its Input Level set to 0 (maximum). AirBand and AirGuitar can use either mode, but they are specifically designed for voice control. Track Threshold values in the default setups assume DaqMusiq mode, but they are not critical for that and can be set much lower (more-negative dB values) if desired. The default values may work for KaleidoSynth (or AirBand or AirGuitar), but be prepared to adjust these, and/or mic placement and speaker volume on your sound system. (The defaults were chosen to work on a typical laptop computer using its built-in mic and speakers, but these vary.) Track Fundamental is off in the default setups, but you are encouraged to experiment with this. When active, the general effect is to detect more low notes in the input stream. Most setups use Pan Scan to move instrument positions around dynamically, though this is not discussed in the descriptions. If you don't like the effect, just set Scan to zero on each active voice. You can then use Pan for manual positioning. Right-clicking on the Pitch-to-MIDI title bar or any non-control portion of the dialog will open Help for the specific setup loaded. (Or this topic, for those traditional songs without specific Help.)
Renditions of traditional songs: Also included, without Help discussion:
See also MIDI Setup Files, Musical Fontiers, DaqMusiq, KaleidoSynth, Pitch-to-MIDI dialog, Pitch Track Toolbox - Overview, Spectrogram / Pitch Track Controls, Spectrogram / Pitch Track (Sgram/PT) |
Questions? Comments? Contact us!We respond to ALL inquiries, typically within 24 hrs.INTERSTELLAR RESEARCH: Over 35 Years of Innovative Instrumentation © Copyright 2007 - 2023 by Interstellar Research All rights reserved |