Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope - Spectrum - Spectrogram - Signal Generator
Software for Windows Science with your Sound Card! |
The following is from the Daqarta Help system:
Features:OscilloscopeSpectrum Analyzer 8-Channel
Applications:Frequency responseDistortion measurementSpeech and musicMicrophone calibrationLoudspeaker testAuditory phenomenaMusical instrument tuningAnimal soundEvoked potentialsRotating machineryAutomotiveProduct testContact us about
Revision History - v4.5xDaqarta v4.51 - 12 October 2008: Bug Fix: N: parameter did not properly specify base Daqartan filename to be used for attenuator and Full-Scale Range calibration data (Daqartan.ATN), External Gain (Daqartan.EGN), User Units (Daqartan.USR), and mixer settings (Daqartan.MIX). Bug Fix: Loading old attenuator and Full-Scale Range calibration data (Daqartan.ATN) from v4.00 or earlier could cause Daqarta to crash. Daqarta v4.50 - 28 September 2008: Extensive modifications for Vista compatibility. Added Vista Issues topic to Troubleshooting, which Vista users are prompted to view on initial Daqarta startup. The first time you attempt to toggle the Generator on after Daqarta installation, a message box warns of possible loud volumes, and the volume slider dialog is shown. (Previously, initial volumes were forced to minimum for safety, with no automatic prompt or volume dialog.) Daqarta still saves all sound card settings it finds on entry, and restores them on exit. It also saves current settings on exit and restores them in the next session. Separate Start Preferences and Run Preferences dialogs replace the former single Preferences dialog. The Wave outputs are no longer automatically switched to Mute when the Generator is off, which interfered with voice synthesizer programs for blind users. The new Generator Auto-Mute option in the Run Preferences dialog can be used to restore this behavior. The new Audible Error Alert option in the Run Preferences dialog uses the MIDI Synth to let you know if an error or status message box has appeared, when you can't watch the screen. If you normally use a voice synthesizer to read the screen but have it turned off to avoid interference with the Generator during critical experiments, this alerts you to turn it back on to read the message. You can now use CTRL+ALT+D to enter the current date, or CTRL+ALT+T to enter the current time, into Notes, Fields, Labels, Macro Descriptions, Macro Definitions, or the Generator Title. The Edit Date/Time Preferences menu allows you to specify the date and time formats, and whether UTC time or local time will be used. The selected formats are also used for Date and Time in the File Info dialog, for Juxt Array labels when the label field is set to Time, Date, Time UTC, or Date UTC, and also when you enter a date or time into Notes or Fields via macros like Field1=>d, for example. Notes and Macro Definition multi-line edit controls now use CTRL+Tab to move to the next tab stop, spaced every 4 characters. Tab alone concludes editing and moves keyboard focus to the next control. Juxt Array trace labels can now be repositioned via CTRL-dragging them. Positions are preserved when arrays are saved to and loaded from .JXT files. ALT+J now Pauses the display and saves the current trace to the Juxt Array, whether the Juxt dialog is visible or not, and reports on the message line. It also unPauses afterward (unless Paused to begin with), so you can save a series of traces from a rapidly-changing signal. When the Spectrum Cursor Track option is active, the solid cursor position control/readout is tinted pink as a reminder. When traces from a Juxt file (.JXT) are displayed, the main Daqarta title bar now shows the name of the file. Accuracy of Juxt Array trace selection via mouse click is greatly improved for Select and Show/Hide. Note the left-click now selects, and CTRL-click shows/hides. (Reversed from prior version.) Mouse adjust of Trigger Level now requires SHIFT down while dragging, and Hysteresis requires ALT down, similar to Juxt Offset and Spacing adjust. Prevents accidental changes while attempting to drag readout cursors, and accidental Level change while trying to set Hysteresis, or vice-versa. Trigger Level and Hysteresis horizontal cursors are no longer shown for static file or Juxt memory traces, since the data is already collected and no triggering is possible. The Burst option for the MIDI Synth now allows a single non-repeating burst of On Time duration when Off Time is set to 0. Especially useful for macro-initiated Synth tones of controlled duration. File Polarity Inversion button in User Line Dialog now shows the absolute polarity of the file trace, relative to the initial file save. If you invert the polarity and save the file, the next time you open it the inversion can be seen from the button state. Daqarta now supports sound cards that have only Master Out or only Wave Out volume controls, as well as those with both. Auto-Calibration now defaults to 32 frames of Spectrum Averaging instead of 8, for better noise rejection. Bug Fix: Arb or Play file data not properly read when loaded from Generator setup (.GEN) files. Also, such setups will now work on other systems as long as the Arb or Play files are in the default User_Data folder, even if the path is different. (Composer.GEN did not run properly in prior versions.) Bug Fix: Input Device preference control was inappropriately disabled if there was only one Output device, even if there were multiple Input devices. Bug Fix: Mixer error was reported when sound card had no MIDI Synthesizer present, preventing Daqarta from controlling volumes directly. Bug Fix: Gap mode of Generator Noise Bands did not work properly. Bug Fix: Averager dialog controls were not properly disabled during Juxt trace display. Bug Fix: Spectrum Window state and type were not properly restored after spectrum average file load or Juxt trace display. Bug Fix: Trigger dialog was redrawn repeatedly when clicking or dragging in trace area when Juxt Array was active. Bug Fix: When Juxt Array was active, readout cursors formerly required precise horizontal motion to initiate drag. Bug Fix: Cursor readouts and User Line dialog values did not reflect the selected trace when a Juxt Array was displayed. Bug Fix: Spurious peak artifacts were visible when Spectrum Cursor Peak was active during Juxt Array display. Bug Fix: Possible crash after Juxt Erase All while Juxt Array was active. Bug Fix: Juxt Add New Trace disabled after Erase All if Array or Select were active. Bug Fix: Spectrum Cursor Peak readout did not work for dotted cursor. Caused Cursor Ratio readout to show 9999.9999 overflow. Bug Fix: Spectrum Cursor Peak updates made it impossible to enter values directly into the cursor position controls. Bug Fix: Delta cursor readout values were 2x too high when Cursor Peak was active. Bug Fix: Solid cursor was shown at an improper location if Spectrum Cursor Track was active when X-Axis eXpand was activated, if the expanded trace did not include the current Track location. Bug Fix: Spectrum Cursor Track was not updating when Paused. Bug Fix: When a Spectrum Average was displayed, some Spectrum dialog controls were not properly disabled. (For example, Window functions are applied to raw data before averaging, and can't be undone.) Bug Fix: Right-click Context Help opened the wrong topic (or no topic) for Preferences controls. Bug Fix: Licensed user name not displayed properly below main Daqarta toolbar for long names with small Daqarta window. Bug Fix: Main Notes OK button was opening floating Notes dialog instead of concluding Notes entry. Bug Fix: ESC key did not work properly in main Notes, floating Notes, Macro Edit dialog fields, or in edit controls of Voltmeter, Frequency Counter, or Sound Level Meter. Bug Fix: ESC from Auto-Calibration status dialog removed the dialog box but did not cancel the calibration. Bug Fix: When Use Level was active along with Use dB, the apparent dB Slider range was appropriately increased by the amount of Max Level, but the added range was not actually used and went to Mute instead. |
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